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Electromechanics SPRING

Exchange courses in Electromechanics

A programme for international Exchange students who achieved at least 120 ECTS in electromechanics, on bachelor level.

Courses with Dutch as official teaching language have tutoring and course material in English.

For students applying for a bachelor project approval and allocation is based on a CV with relevant experience and a transcript of records. 




Spring ECTS Full Year ECTS Teaching Language


International Bachelor Project**

12ERA9020 Entrepeneurial Project light  3   Dutch*
12ERA9010  Entrepeneurial Project full   6 Dutch*
13ERA9350 Global engagement** 3   Dutch*
12ERA9070 Sustainable minds 3   English
12EMA1060 Applied technical languages (German) 3   German
11EMA1130 Project Mechatronics** 4   English
12EMA1210 Project design and assembly techniques 4   English
12EMO3070 Project design for maintenance 4   English

* Tutoring and course material available in English.

** Students can only register for this course in one semester, Autumn or Spring

** Students that register for Technical Project (autumn semester) can’t register for Project Mechatronics (spring semester).

Course content 

For official course catalogue information check the course catalogue: 

Course Catalogue 2024-2025 (available from june 2024).

Below you can find a description of the course contents.

International Bachelor project

Approval and allocation is based on a CV with relevant experience and a transcript of records.

Students do a bachelor project in the field of climatisation or maintenance and incoming students are usually enrolled in a research project of our own research group. 

An important objective is that a student learns to work individually and to solve a problem. The student has to analyse the problem, search for different solutions and work out a plan. The student needs to collect knowledge in different ways, bring this knowledge and the results of the practical work together and needs to make a report/paper in which the entire project is described.In this bachelor project, practical work is always combined with a theoretical background of the subject.

Entrepreneural project

This course allows young people to learn all aspects of entrepreneurship and especially to learn an attitude of entrepreneurship through the powerful learning experience.

Students create the blueprint of their company: they select a product or service, choose a company structure, carry out market research, search for business partners, gather a starting capital, and write a business plan (with special attention to financial aspects).  At the end of the semester students gather their shareholders to present their business plan/prototype and organise a first trade fair.  Depending on the semester a student enrolls, different activities within the company are necessary.

Global engagement

For this course students need to work independently and do assignments of their own choice.  This course tests the following competences:

  • Intercultural competences
  • International competences
  • Sustainable competences

For each activity they will be appointed a number of hours. In total they need to collect 45 hours international and intercultural activities and 30 hours sustainable activities.


  • North/South course at the university of Hasselt
  • a reflection on intercultural experience abroad
  • preparing study trip abroad
  • helping with organization of our international day
  • implementation of sustainability (life cycle analysis,eco design, systems thinking) in a project

Sustainable minds

This course allows young people to learn all aspects of entrepreneurship and especially to acquire an attitude of entrepreneurship through a powerful learning experience, running their own company in a team of approximately 5 students.
The second semester focuses on the operational activities of the company: production, sales, accounting, selling, accountancy etc. Foreign students will be integrated into an existing team and help the team to further develop their business.

Project Mechatronics

This course is a technical project (1unit of credit) combined with communication and research skills (2units of credit) such as planning and defining a problem, looking for information and processing the information.  Concluding and reporting and presenting using word, excel and power point. 

There is a choice between projects which are maintenance based (mechancis, pneumatics, automation, sensors) and projects which are climatisation based (cooling, ventilation).

Applied Technical Languages (German)

This language course is a follow-up of ‘Technical Languages’. Students need the foreknowledge of Technical Languages (Autumn semester) in order to take this course.     

The focus will be on technical reading and students will be working on an international project such as giving a presentation in German. 

Project design and assembly techniques

The students are introduced to drilling, turning, milling, bending and cutting. The basic concepts of the machining process are explained in theory and on the basis of practice on the machine. The students learn to accurately convert a drawing into a produced workpiece.
The students learn to build larger assemblies through simple assignments of assembly and disassembly. Thread tapping and exercises on sawing, filing and deburring, the students also learn the basics of practical knowledge in the workshop.
The students learn to make the relationship between the computer and the workplace. The students learn to work with a 3D CAD package that makes it possible to prepare designs for the machine. Several specific translation software applications are used for this. In this way, the link between 3D model and finished workpiece is established.
The students learn to make simple designs from idea to realization. Both the quick fix and the complete design are learnt. It starts with simple problems that become more complex in the course of the lessons and where just-in-time design methods are taught. The student must make a correct technical drawing of this (functional dimensions).

Project design for maintenance

The students are introduced to drilling, turning, milling, bending and cutting. The basic concepts of the machining process are explained in theory and on the basis of practice on the machine. The students learn to accurately convert a drawing into a produced workpiece.
The students learn to build larger assemblies through simple assignments of assembly and disassembly. Thread tapping and exercises on sawing, filing and deburring, the students also learn the basics of practical knowledge in the workshop.
The students learn to make the relationship between the computer and the workplace. The students learn to work with a 3D CAD package that makes it possible to prepare designs for the machine. Several specific translation software applications are used for this. In this way, the link between 3D model and finished workpiece is established.
The students learn to make simple designs from idea to realization. It starts with simple problems that become more complex in the course of the lessons and where just-in-time design methods are taught. The student must make a correct technical drawing of this (functional dimensions).